July's Site of the Month
A man, a plan, Photoshop: This month's website, Dudehisattva, is brought to you by frequent DailyKos poster-boy Dood Abides, who certainly has a way with Photoshop. He parodies the many misadventures of the Bush administration and skewers them weekly with satire that has you laughing like a lunatic on the way to the asylum (be a lot more fun if it wasn't so frightening). Among my favorites are the film parodies, like Pirates of the Potomac, Emblazoned Saddles, Borracho Hombre, The Rovey Horror Picture Show, and Springtime for Bush. Even when Dood's Photoshop efforts are a tad amateur, the gist still comes through: we are living in scary times, folks, and the best way to survive is to laugh. Otherwise they will be carting us all off to the asylum.
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Your Daily Kos made my local news this morning. They were talking about the Lieberman loss in the primaries, and the new "netroots" as opposed to "grassroots" political campaigns and sites.
De Bush-man never said, "Bay-bee". But I wish someone would clonk him on the head and drag him under the curtain...
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